Forms Authentication Timeout vs Session Timeout

July 17, 2008 10 comments

We have an old .NET 1.1 web application which I have to support and a recent change in the login process for a select few customers has been causing haywire with every users session. The folks at QA have been giving me a really hard time lately with this bug and I just couldn’t get around as to what was causing this weird behavior.

The problem was that if we set the forms authentication and session timeouts to 10 minutes and after the 10th minute the user clicked on any link the app would redirect the user to the login page but the session was not abandoned i.e. the forms authentication ticket had expired but not the session state timeout. To make matters worse I was unable to reproduce it on DEV or QA instance with my automated test script but was able to reproduce it by manually following the steps.

After a lot of googling I finally realized the solution was right there and I had just overlooked it. The problem was in the way timeouts work for authentication tickets vs session state.

Forms authentication ticket can time out in two ways. The first scenario occurs if you use absolute expiration. With absolute expiration, you set an expiration of 20 minutes, and a user visits the site at 2:00 PM. The user will be redirected to the login page if the user visits the site after 2:20 PM. Even if the user visited some pages in between 2:00 PM and 2:20 PM the user will still be redirected to the login page after 2:20 PM.

Now if you are using sliding expiration for forms authentication and session state the scenario gets a bit complicated. With sliding expiration the session state timeout is updated on every visit but the cookie and the resulting authentication ticket are updated if the user visits the site after the expiration time is half-expired.

For example, you set an expiration of 20 minutes for forms authentication ticket and session state and you set sliding expiration to true. A user visits the site at 2:00 PM, and the user receives a cookie that is set to expire at 2:20 PM. The authentication ticket expiration is only updated if the user visits the site after 2:10 PM. If the user visits the site at 2:08 PM, the authentication ticket is not updated but the session state timeout is updated and the session now expires at 2:28 PM. If the user then waits 12 minutes, visiting the site at 2:21 PM, the authentication ticket will be expired and the user is redirected to the login page, but guess what, the session timeout has not yet expired.

Here is the MSDN link which explains this

So, how do we synch these two timeouts? Or force the other to timeout if one of them expires? The workaround we came up with was to set the authentication timeout to double the value of session timeout and have the following code in the global.asax.cs.

protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, SystemEventArgs e) 

(Session!= null && Session.IsNewSession)
string szCookieHeader= Request.Headers["Cookie"];
if((szCookieHeader!= null)&& (szCookieHeader.IndexOf("ASP.NET_SessionId")>= 0))

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Don’t Use SELECT *

July 7, 2008 1 comment

One of the most common performance and scalability problems are queries that return too many columns or too many rows. I’ve seen many developers actually using and abusing SELECT * FROM queries. SELECT * query not only returns unnecessary data, but it also can force clustered index scans for query plans because columns in the SELECT clause are also considered by the optimizer when it identifies indexes for execution plans.

The following two queries show this difference; note the difference in query plans as well as the relative cost to the batch. The query cost relative to the batch is 67% for the SELECT * compared to just 33% for the SELECT column query.

SELECT    SalesOrderID
FROM    Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE    OrderDate< 01/01/1978

FROM    Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE    OrderDate< 01/01/1978

The first query uses a Clustered Index Scan to resolve the query because it has to retrieve all the data from the clustered index, even though there is an index on the OrderDate column.

The second query uses the OrderDate index to perform an Index Seek operation. Because the query returns only the SalesOrderID column, and because the column is the clustering key, the query is resolved using only that index.


Difference between LINQ to SQL and the Entity Framework

June 30, 2008 9 comments

I was browsing through the usual newsgroups I visit and came up with this post about LINQ to SQL vs EDM and thought I should share it here.

LINQ to SQL and the Entity Framework have a lot in common, but each have features targeting different scenarios.

LINQ to SQL has features targeting "Rapid Development" against a Microsoft SQL Server database. Think of LINQ to SQL as allowing you to have a strongly-typed view of your existing database schema. LINQ to SQL supports a direct, 1:1 mapping of your existing database schema to classes; a single table can be mapped to a single inheritance hierarchy (i.e., a table can contain persons, customers, and employees) and foreign keys can be exposed as strongly-typed relationships.  You can build LINQ queries over tables/views/table valued functions and return results as strongly typed objects, and call stored procedures that return strongly typed results through strongly typed methods.  A key design principle of LINQ to SQL is that it "just work" for the common cases; so, for example, if you access a collection of orders through the Orders property of a customer, and that customer’s orders have not previously been retrieved, LINQ to SQL will automatically get them for you.  LINQ to SQL relies on convention, for example default insert, update, and delete logic through generated DML can be overwritten by exposing appropriately named methods (for example, "InsertCustomer", "UpdateCustomer", "DeleteCustomer").  These methods may invoke stored procedures or perform other logic in order to process changes.

The Entity Framework has features targeting "Enterprise Scenarios".  In an enterprise, the database is typically controlled by a DBA, the schema is generally optimized for storage considerations (performance, consistency, partitioning) rather than exposing a good application model, and may change over time as usage data and usage patterns evolve.  With this in mind, the Entity Framework is designed around exposing an application-oriented data model that is loosely coupled, and may differ significantly, from your existing database schema.  For example, you can map a single class (or "entity") to multiple tables/views, or map multiple classes to the same table/view. You can map an inheritance hierarchy to a single table/view (as in LINQ to SQL) or to multiple tables/views (for example, persons, customers, and employees could each be separate tables, where customers and employees contain only the additional columns not present in persons, or repeat the columns from the persons table).  You can group properties into complex (or “composite”) types (for example, a Customer type may have an “Address” property that is an Address type with Street, City, Region, Country and Postal code properties). The Entity Framework lets you optionally represent many:many relationships directly, without representing the join table as an entity in your data model, and has a new feature called "Defining Query" that lets you expose any native query against the store as a "table" that can be mapped just as any other table (except that updates must be performed through stored procedures).  This flexible mapping, including the option to use stored procedures to process changes, is specified declaratively in order to account for the schema of the database evolving over time without having to recompile the application.

The Entity Framework includes LINQ to Entities which exposes many of the same features as LINQ to SQL over your conceptual application data model; you can build queries in LINQ (or in “Entity SQL”, a canonical version of SQL extended to support concepts like strong typing, polymorphism, relationship navigation and complex types), return results as strongly typed CLR objects, execute stored procedures or table valued functions through strongly-typed methods, and process changes by calling a single save method.

However, the Entity Framework is more than LINQ to Entities; it includes a "storage layer" that lets you use the same conceptual application model through low-level ADO.NET Data Provider interfaces using Entity SQL, and efficiently stream results as possibly hierarchical/polymorphic DataReaders, saving the overhead of materializing objects for read-only scenarios where there is no additional business logic. 

The Entity Framework works with Microsoft SQL Server and 3rd party databases through extended ADO.NET Data Providers, providing a common query language against different relational databases through either LINQ to Entities or Entity SQL.

So while there is a lot of overlap, LINQ to SQL is targeted more toward rapidly developing applications against your existing Microsoft SQL Server schema, while the Entity Framework provides object- and storage-layer access to Microsoft SQL Server and 3rd party databases through a loosely coupled, flexible mapping to existing relational schema.

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Dependency Injection: Factory vs Container – Unity

June 30, 2008 Leave a comment

As application size and complexity increase it becomes more and more difficult to reuse existing components and integrating these components to form an interconnected architecture because of the dependencies of the components. One way to reduce dependencies is by using Dependency Injection, which allows you to inject objects into a class, rather than relying on the class to create the object itself.

Dependency Injection refers to the process of supplying an external dependency to a software component. It is a specific form of inversion of control where the concern being inverted is the process of obtaining the needed dependency. The basic value Dependency Injection brings to enterprise systems is decoupling. They promote programming to interfaces and isolate you from the creation process of the collaborators, letting you to concentrate on what you need to deliver while improving testing.

The dependency injection approach offers more flexibility because it becomes easier to create alternative implementations of a given service type, and then to specify which implementation is to be used either pragmatically or via a configuration file, without any change to the objects that use the service. This is especially useful in unit testing, because it is easy to inject a mock implementation of a service into the object being tested.

Dependency injection helps in solving the following

  • You want to decouple your classes from their dependencies so that these dependencies can be replaced or updated with minimal or no changes to your classes source code.
  • You want to be able to write classes that depend on classes whose concrete implementation is not known at compile time.
  • You want to be able to test your classes in isolation, without using the dependencies.
  • You want to decouple your classes from being responsible for locating and managing the lifetime of dependencies.

    The factory pattern described as "To construct and instantiate a set of related objects without specifying their concrete objects." is one common way to implement Dependency Injection. When a component creates an instance of another class, it encapsulates the object creation logic within the component. Any other class that requires an instance of the created class must also duplicate the object creation logic as it may not be reusable outside the component.

    Object most often need to be instantiated in a coordinated fashion, usually because of certain dependencies or other requirements. For example, when creating an instance of XmlValidatingReader in client code, an XmlSchemaCollection object is frequently populated with the relevant schemas for use when validating the XmlValidatingReader object. This is an example of needing to not only create an instance of a class, but also to configure it after creation and before it can be used.

    Another example of a factory pattern is to create a static method whose purpose is to return an instance of a class. For example, the Create method of WebRequest takes in either a string or Uri instance, and returns a new instance of a class derived from WebRequest.

    Factories allow for an application to wire together objects and components without exposing too much information about how the components fit together or what dependencies each component might have. Instead of spreading complex creating code around an application, factories allow for that code to be housed in a central location, thereby facilitating reuse throughout the application.

    Client code then calls creating methods on the factory, with the factory returning complete instances of the requested classes. Encapsulation is preserved, and the client is effectively decoupled from any sort of plumbing required to create or configure the object instance.

    Benefits of Factory Pattern

  • Factories allow for an application to wire together objects and components without exposing too much information about how the components fit together or what dependencies each component might have.
  • Instead of spreading complex creating code around an application, factories allow for that code to be housed in a central location, thereby facilitating reuse throughout the application.
  • Client code calls creating methods on the factory, with the factory returning complete instances of the requested classes. Encapsulation is preserved, and the client is effectively decoupled from any sort of plumbing required to create or configure the object instance.

    Drawbacks of factory pattern

  • While a factory implementation can be quite valuable for a certain application, most of the time, it is not reusable across other applications. Frequently all of the available creation options are hardcoded into the factory implementation, making the factory itself non-extensible. Most of the time the class calling the factories’ creation methods must know which subclass of the factory to create.
  • All dependencies for an object that is created using a factory are known to the factory at compile time. At run time there is no way to insert or alter the manner in which objects are created, or which dependencies are populated. This all must happen at design time, or at least require a recompile. For example, if a factory is creating instances of class Foo and instances of class Foo require an instance of class Bar, then the factory must know how to retrieve an instance of the Bar class. The factory could create a new instance, or even make a call to another factory.
  • Since factories are custom to each individual implementation, there can be a significant level of cross-cutting infrastructure that is held captive inside a particular factory. Take my example of a factory dynamically substituting a proxy object for a real object. That is an example of a piece of infrastructure, namely the wrapping of simple objects for deployment over a distributed wire, that is completely encapsulated inside that particular factory. If another object needs to be altered in a similar manner, the logic to do so is hidden inside a factory, and would have to be repeated for the other object. Once this functionality is desired outside of the original application, the problem now becomes how to reuse such functionality while still maintaining the existing factory concept.
  • Factories rely on well-defined interfaces to achieve polymorphism. In order for a factory implementation to be able to dynamically create different concrete subclass instances, there must be a common base class or shared interface implemented by all classes that the factory will create. Interfaces decouple the construction of the object from the specific implementation of the interface. The dilemma that arises now is how you can accomplish this decoupling without being forced to create an interface for everything.

    A container is a compartment that houses some sort of abstraction within its walls. Typically, responsibility for object management is taken over by whatever container is being used to manage those objects. However, containers can also take over instantiations, configuration, as well as the application of container-specific services to objects.

    Containers provide the ability to wrap vanilla objects with a wealth of other services. This allows the objects to remain ignorant about certain infrastructure and plumbing details, like transactionality and role-based security. Oftentimes, the client code does not need to be aware of the container, so there is no real dependency on the container itself. Containers be configured declaratively, meaning they can be configured via some external means, XML files, property files, or .NET-based attributes.

    Dependency Injection is a worthwhile concept to explore for use within applications that you develop. Not only can it reduce coupling between components, but it also saves you from writing boilerplate factory creation code over and over again. Unity is an example of a framework that provides a ready to use Dependency Injection container. Of course all this also means that there is added complexity to the source code; therefore, it is harder to understand.

    Microsoft Patterns and Practices team had been developing Enterprise Library to enable the use of general patterns and practices for .NET platform, which has great pluggable application blocks such as Logging and Validation application blocks. One of them is the Dependency Injection Application Block; but folks thought it should be named differently from the other application blocks, and came with the fancy name Unity.

    Unity exposes Register methods that support configuring the container with mappings and objects (including singleton instances), and Resolve methods to return instances of built objects that contain any dependent objects. Unity sits on top of another framework called ObjectBuilder which has been a part of enterprise library for quite some time. Unity however is based on v2.0 of the object builder which has been tweaked, refactored and optimized for performance. Unity is available as both a standalone download or part of the enterprise library and can be downloaded from or

    Unity supports the following forms of dependency injection:

  • Constructor injection – parameters of the objects constructor method are used to inject it with its dependencies.
  • Setter injection – object simply provides a property that can hold a reference to that type of service; and when the object is created a reference to an implementation of that type of service will automatically be injected into that property – by an external mechanism.

    David Hayden has done some great screencasts on Enterprise Library and Unity at be sure the check them out for furhter readings on dependency injection using Unity Applicaiton Block.

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  • ASP.NET Session State and Velocity Provider

    June 10, 2008 1 comment

    ASP.NET session state supports several different storage options for session data. Below is a quick summary of the different modes of session state and their pros and cons

    • InProc
      • Stores session state in memory on the web server.
      • Fastest, but the more session data, the more memory is consumed on the web server, and that can affect performance.
      • Cannot be used with web farms.
      • Session state will be lost if the worker process (aspnet_wp.exe) recycles, or if the AppDomain restarts.
    • StateServer
      • Stores session state in a separate process called the ASP.NET state service. This ensures that session state is preserved if the web application is restarted and also makes session state available to multiple web servers in a web farm.
      • Objects are serialized to an out of process memory store. The cost of serialization/deserialization can affect performance if you’re storing lots of objects.
      • Solve the session state loss problem in InProc mode. Allows a web farm to store session on a central server.
      • Single point of failure at the State Server.
      • For session state to be maintained across different web servers in the web farm, the Application Path of the website (For example \LM\W3SVC\2) in the IIS Metabase should be identical in all the web servers in the web farm.
    • SQLServer
      • Stores session state in a SQL Server database. This ensures that session state is preserved if the web application is restarted and also makes session state available to multiple web servers in a web farm.
      • Solve the session state loss problem in InProc mode. Allows a web farm to store session on a central server.
      • Session state data can survive a SQL server restart, and you can also take advantage of SQL server failover cluster, after you’ve followed instructions in KB 311029.
      • For session state to be maintained across different web servers in the web farm, the Application Path of the website (For example \LM\W3SVC\2) in the IIS Metabase should be identical in all the web servers in the web farm.

    The best scalability is provided by SQLServer session store but it comes with a slight performance cost. The best performance is provided by InProc session store but it cant really be used in any production web app because of scalability issues.

    What if you could have the scalability of SQLServer session store but with the performance of InProc / StateServer session state? "Velocity" is a distributed caching product to provide the .NET application platform support for developing highly performant, scalable, and highly available applications. It allows any type of data CLR object, XML document, or binary data to be cached. Velocity fuses large numbers of cache nodes in a cluster into a single unified cache and provides transparent access to cache items from any client connected to the cluster.

    Velocity provides a session store provider that allows you to store your ASP.Net Session object in Velocity cache – This enables non-sticky routing allowing scaling your application.

    Hooking up Velocity in your ASP.NET web app is easy. All it takes is some web.config entries:

    1. Configure session state provider element in your app’s web.config file:

    <sessionState mode="Custom" customProvider="SessionStoreProvider"> <providers> <add name="SessionStoreProvider" type="System.Data.Caching.SessionStoreProvider, ClientLibrary"/> </providers> </sessionState>

    2. Configure Velocity client configuration elements in web.config:

    <configSections> <section name="dcacheClient" type=" System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere"/> </configSections> <dcacheClient deployment="simple" localCache="false"> <hosts> <!--List of hosts --> <host name="<serviceHostName>" cachePort="22233" cacheHostName="DistributedCacheService"/> </hosts> </dcacheClient>

    Note : “serviceHostName” is the hostname where distributed cache service is running on cache port “22233”(default setting). Configure these 2 parameters appropriately.

    3. Add reference to or copy to \bin folder the following dll’s that the session store provider uses: CacheBaseLibrary.dll, FabricCommon.dll, ClientLibrary.dll, CASBase.dll, CASClient.dll .

    And that’s about it; your web application is ready to run with the Velocity SessionStoreProvider. 


    • For Velocity Session State provider to work, Cache cluster should be up and running. To learn about to how to deploy Velocity Distributed Cache Cluster, please refer the product documentation.
    • As the provider stores the session objects in out-of-proc distributed cache service, objects that you put in Session should be serializable.

    For more info please refer to the product documentation or the Velocity blog on MSDN How to Use Session State Provider (Microsoft Project code named Velocity)

    Repository Factory – VisualStudio 2008

    June 8, 2008 Leave a comment

    The Repository Factory is a guidance package that automates creation of entity classes that map to database tables and repository classes to read and write those entity classes. The generated code removes the tedium of writing a persistence-ignorant domain model.

    This package was originally published as the "Data Access Guidance Package" as part of the Web Service Software Factory but was later split out into its own project. Unfortunately this got kinda abandoned with the release of LINQ and therefore there is no support for VisualStudio 2008.

    Here’s the statement from the Repository Factory team

    "Repository Factory is done. There will be no more investment from P&P or Microsoft. Repository Factory was written for ADO.NET 2.0 and VS 2005. .NET 3.5 has many new database access options (with more coming), and a straight port to VS 2008 isn’t good guidance. LINQ, for example, enables newer ways to do queries that don’t fit very well with our repository generation. And right now we’re not convinced that the underlying Enterprise Library Data Access block even makes sense anymore."

    So does that mean this project is dead? What about us poor folks who have been using the service factory with VisualStudio 2005 and now need to upgrade to VisualStudio 2008? Does this mean we cant upgrade to VisualStudio 2008 if we want to continue to use the guidance package?

    Well the P&P team have released the final source code and is available for download. Porting over to VisualStudio 2008 is easy. After you download the source code from the site open the solution file in VisualStudio 2008 and follow the instruction on the convert solution wizard. Try and compile the project as is and it all compiles perfectly (you need to install the Visual J# redistributable for the solution to compile / build). If you try and register the recipe using the Register Guidance from the Guidance Package guidance it works great but the installer is another story. To make the installer work you must add/change arguments in all the custom actions as follow:

    "/Hive=9.0 /Configuration="[TARGETDIR]Data Access Guidance Package.xml"

    Note that changes applies just for the installer. Now rebuild the installer and it should create the setup files for the guidance package.

    Preventing SQL injection attacks in ASP.NET

    May 30, 2008 1 comment

    Consider a simple web application that requires user input in some fields, lets say some search box. Suppose a user types the following string in that textbox:

    '; DROP DATABASE pubs --

    On submit our application executes the following dynamic SQL statement

    SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT OrderId, OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE OrderNumber = '" + OrderNumberTextBox.Text + "'", myConnection);

    Or stored procedure

    SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter("uspGetOrderList '" + OrderNumberTextBox.Text + "'", myConnection);

    The intention being that the user input would be run as

    SELECT OrderId, OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE OrderNumber = 'PO123'

    However, the code inserts the user’s malicious input and generates the following query.

    SELECT OrderId, OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE OrderNumber = ''; DROP DATABASE pubs --'

    In this case, the ‘ (single quotation mark) character that starts the rogue input terminates the current string literal in the SQL statement. As a result, the opening single quotation mark character of the rogue input results in the following statement.

    SELECT OrderId, OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE OrderNumber = ''

    The; (semicolon) character tells SQL that this is the end of the current statement, which is then followed by the following malicious SQL code.

    ; DROP DATABASE pubs

    Finally, the — (double dash) sequence of characters is a SQL comment that tells SQL to ignore the rest of the text. In this case, SQL ignores the closing ‘ (single quotation mark) character, which would otherwise cause a SQL parser error.


    Using stored procedures doesn’t solve the problem either because the generated query would be

    uspGetOrderList ''; DROP DATABASE pubs--'

    Or perhaps this was your login page and your query being

    SELECT UserId FROM Users WHERE LoginId = <inputlogin> AND Password = <inputpwd> AND IsActive = 1

    Someone could easily login by typing in the following in your login textbox

    ' OR 1 = 1; --

    Which makes our query

    SELECT UserId FROM Users WHERE LoginId = '' OR 1 = 1; --' AND Password = '' AND IsActive = 1

    Viola, the attacker has now successfully logged in to your site using SQL injection attack.

    SQL injection can occur, as demonstrated above, when an application uses input to construct dynamic SQL statements or when it uses stored procedures to connect to the database. Conventional security measures, such as the use of SSL and IPSec, do not protect your application from SQL injection attacks. Successful SQL injection attacks enable malicious users to execute commands in an application’s database. Common vulnerabilities that make your data access code susceptible to SQL injection attacks include:

  • Weak input validation.
  • Dynamic construction of SQL statements without the use of type-safe parameters.
  • Use of over-privileged database logins.

    So what can we do to help protect our application from such attacks? To counter SQL injection attacks, we need to:

  • Constrain and sanitize input data

    Check for known good data by validating for type, length, format, and range and using a list of acceptable characters to constrain input. Create a list of acceptable characters and use regular expressions to reject any characters that are not on the list. Using the list of unacceptable characters is impractical because it is very difficult to anticipate all possible variations of bad input.

    Start by constraining input in the server-side code for your ASP.NET Web pages. Do not rely on client-side validation because it can be easily bypassed. Use client-side validation only to reduce round trips and to improve the user experience. Check my other blog on Validation Application Block for server-side validation.

    If in the previous code example, the Order Number value is captured by an ASP.NET TextBox control, you can constrain its input by using a RegularExpressionValidator control as shown in the following.

    <%@ language="C#" %> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:TextBox ID="OrderNumberTextBox" runat="server"/> <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="regexpPO" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Incorrect Order Number" ControlToValidate="OrderNumberTextBox" ValidationExpression="^PO\d{3}-\d{2}$" /> </form>

    If the Order Number input is from another source, such as an HTML control, a query string parameter, or a cookie, you can constrain it by using the Regex class from the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace. The following example assumes that the input is obtained from a cookie.

    using System.Text.RegularExpressions; if (Regex.IsMatch(Request.Cookies["OrderNumber"], "^PO\d{3}-\d{2}$")) { // access the database } else { // handle the bad input }

    Performing input validation is essential because almost all application-level attacks contain malicious input. You should validate all input, including form fields, query string parameters, and cookies to protect your application against malicious command injection. Assume all input to your Web application is malicious, and make sure that you use server validation for all sources of input. Use client-side validation to reduce round trips to the server and to improve the user experience, but do not rely on it because it is easily bypassed.


  • Apply ASP.NET request validation during development to identify injection attacks

    ASP.NET request validation detects any HTML elements and reserved characters in data posted to the server. This helps prevent users from inserting script into your application. Request validation checks all input data against a hard-coded list of potentially dangerous values. If a match occurs, it throws an exception of type HttpRequestValidationException.

    Request validation is enabled by ASP.NET by default. You can see the following default setting in the Machine.config.comments file.

    <pages validateRequest="true" ... />

    Confirm that you have not disabled request validation by overriding the default settings in your server’s Machine.config file or your application’s Web.config file.

    You can disable request validation in your Web.config application configuration file by adding a <pages> element with validateRequest="false" or on an individual page by setting ValidateRequest="false" on the @ Pages element.

    NOTE: You should disable Request Validation only on the page with a free-format text field that accepts HTML-formatted input.

    You can test the effects of request validation. To do this, create an ASP.NET page that disables request validation by setting ValidateRequest="false", as follows.

    <%@ Language="C#" ValidateRequest="false" %> <html> <script runat="server"> void btnSubmit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { // If ValidateRequest is false, then 'hello' is displayed // If ValidateRequest is true, then ASP.NET returns an exception Response.Write(txtString.Text); } </script> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:TextBox id="txtString" runat="server" Text="<script>alert('hello');</script>" /> <asp:Button id="btnSubmit" runat="server" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click" Text="Submit" /> </form> </body> </html>

    When you run the page, "Hello" is displayed in a message box because the script in txtString is passed through and rendered as client-side script in your browser.

    If you set ValidateRequest="true" or remove the ValidateRequest page attribute, ASP.NET request validation rejects the script input and produces an error similar to the following.

    A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (txtString="<script>alert(‘hello…").
    Note   Do not rely on ASP.NET request validation. Treat it as an extra precautionary measure in addition to your own input validation.

  • Constrain input by using validator controls

    To constrain input, use server-side input validation. Do not rely on client-side validation because it is easily bypassed. Use client-side validation in addition to server-side validation to reduce round trips to the server and to improve the user experience. Validate length, range, format and type. Make sure that any input meets your guidelines for known good input.

    Use the ASP.NET validator controls to constrain form field input received through server controls. For other sources of input data, such as query strings, cookies, and HTTP headers, constrain input by using the Regex class from the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace. Or you can use the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block to check for input validation. The Validation Application Block can not be used for input validation but it can also validate your business objects. See my other blog on Validation Application Block.

  • Encode unsafe output

    If your application needs to accept a range of HTML elements—for example through a rich text input field such as a comments field—turn off ASP.NET request validation and create a filter that allows only the HTML elements that you want your application to accept. A common practice is to restrict formatting to safe HTML elements such as <b> (bold) and <i> (italic). Before writing the data, HTML-encode it. This makes any malicious script safe by causing it to be handled as text, not as executable code.

    The HtmlEncode method replaces characters that have special meaning in HTML to HTML variables that represent those characters. For example, < is replaced with &lt; and " is replaced with &quot;. Encoded data does not cause the browser to execute code. Instead, the data is rendered as harmless text, and the tags are not interpreted as HTML.

    The following page disables ASP.NET request validation by setting ValidateRequest="false". It HTML-encodes the input and selectively allows the <b> and <i> HTML elements to support simple text formatting.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" ValidateRequest="false"%> <script runat="server"> void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Encode the string input StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(htmlInputTxt.Text)); // Selectively allow and <i> sb.Replace("&lt;b&gt;", "<b>"); sb.Replace("&lt;/b&gt;", ""); sb.Replace("&lt;i&gt;", "<i>"); sb.Replace("&lt;/i&gt;", ""); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); } </script> <html> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:TextBox ID="htmlInputTxt" Runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Width="318px" Height="168px" /> <asp:Button ID="submitBtn" Runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="submitBtn_Click" /> </form> </body> </html>
  • Use type-safe SQL parameters for data access

    Parameter collections such as SqlParameterCollection provide type checking and length validation. If you use a parameters collection, input is treated as a literal value, and SQL Server does not treat it as executable code. An additional benefit of using a parameters collection is that you can enforce type and length checks. Values outside of the range trigger an exception. You can use these parameters with stored procedures or dynamically constructed SQL command strings.

    Using stored procedures does not necessarily prevent SQL injection. The important thing to do is use parameters with stored procedures. If you do not use parameters, your stored procedures can be susceptible to SQL injection if they use unfiltered input.

    The following code shows how to use SqlParameterCollection when calling a stored procedure.

    using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { DataSet userDataset = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter("uspGetOrderList", connection); myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@OrderNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11); myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters["@OrderNumber"].Value = OrderNumberTextBox.Text; myCommand.Fill(userDataset); }

    The @OrderNumber parameter is treated as a literal value and not as executable code. Also, the parameter is checked for type and length. In the preceding code example, the input value cannot be longer than 11 characters. If the data does not conform to the type or length defined by the parameter, the SqlParameter class throws an exception.

    You should review your application’s use of stored procedures because simply using stored procedures with parameters does not necessarily prevent SQL injection. For example, the following parameterized stored procedure has several security vulnerabilities.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.uspRunQuery @var ntext AS exec sp_executesql @var GO

    The stored procedure executes whatever statement is passed to it. Consider the @var variable being set to:


    If you cannot use stored procedures, you should still use parameters when constructing dynamic SQL statements. The following code shows how to use SqlParametersCollection with dynamic SQL.

    using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { DataSet userDataset = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT OrderId, OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE OrderNumber = @OrderNumber", connection); myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@OrderNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11); myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters["@OrderNumber"].Value = OrderNumberTextBox.Text; myDataAdapter.Fill(userDataset); }

    If you concatenate several SQL statements to send a batch of statements to the server in a single round trip, you can still use parameters if you make sure that parameter names are not repeated i.e. use unique parameter names during SQL text concatenation.

    SELECT OrderId, OrderNumber FROM Orders WHERE OrderNumber = 'PO123' using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using (SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlDataAdapter oAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter( "SELECT CustomerID INTO #Temp1 FROM Customers " + "WHERE CustomerID > @custIDParm; " + "SELECT CompanyName FROM Customers " + "WHERE Country = @countryParm and CustomerID IN " + "(SELECT CustomerID FROM #Temp1);", oConn); SqlParameter custIDParm = oAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@custIDParm", SqlDbType.NChar, 5); custIDParm.Value = customerID.Text; SqlParameter countryParm = oAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@countryParm", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15); countryParm.Value = country.Text; oConn.Open(); DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); oAdapter.Fill(dataSet); }
  • Use a least privileged account that has restricted permissions in the database

    Ideally, you should only grant execute permissions to selected stored procedures in the database and provide no direct table access. The problem is more severe if your application uses an over-privileged account to connect to the database. For example, if your application’s login has privileges to eliminate a database, then without adequate safeguards, an attacker might be able to perform this operation.

    If you use Windows authentication to connect, the Windows account should be least-privileged from an operating system perspective and should have limited privileges and limited ability to access Windows resources. Additionally, whether or not you use Windows authentication or SQL authentication, the corresponding SQL Server login should be restricted by permissions in the database.

    Consider the example of an ASP.NET application running on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 that accesses a database on a different server in the same domain. By default, the ASP.NET application runs in an application pool that runs under the Network Service account. This account is a least privileged account.

    1. Create a SQL Server login for the Web server’s Network Service account. The Network Service account has network credentials that are presented at the database server as the identity DOMAIN\WEBSERVERNAME$. For example, if your domain is called XYZ and the Web server is called 123, you create a database login for XYZ\123$.
    2. Grant the new login access to the required database by creating a database user and adding the user to a database role.
    3. Establish permissions to let this database role call the required stored procedures or access the required tables in the database. Only grant access to stored procedures the application needs to use, and only grant sufficient access to tables based on the application’s minimum requirements. If the ASP.NET application only performs database lookups and does not update any data, you only need to grant read access to the tables. This limits the damage that an attacker can cause if the attacker succeeds in a SQL injection attack.
  • Use Character Escaping Techniques

    In situations where parameterized SQL cannot be used, consider using character escaping techniques. If you are forced to use dynamic SQL and parameterized SQL cannot be used, you need to safeguard against input characters that have special meaning to SQL Server (such as the single quote character). If not handled, special characters such as the single quote character in the input can be utilized to cause SQL injection.

    Escape routines add an escape character to characters that have special meaning to SQL Server, thereby making them harmless.

    private static string GetStringForSQL(string inputSQL) { return inputSQL.Replace("'", "''"); }

    Special input characters pose a threat only with dynamic SQL and not when using parameterized SQL. Your first line of defense should always be to use parameterized SQL.

  • Avoid disclosing database error information

    In the event of database errors, make sure you do not disclose detailed error messages to the user. Use structured exception handling to catch errors and prevent them from propagating back to the client. Log detailed error information locally, but return limited error details to the client.

    If errors occur while the user is connecting to the database, be sure that you provide only limited information about the nature of the error to the user. If you disclose information related to data access and database errors, you could provide a malicious user with useful information that he or she can use to compromise your database security. Attackers use the information in detailed error messages to help deconstruct a SQL query that they are trying to inject with malicious code. A detailed error message may reveal valuable information such as the connection string, SQL server name, or table and database naming conventions. See my other post on Exception Handling – Do’s and Dont’s.

    You can use the <customErrors> element to configure custom, generic error messages that should be returned to the client in the event of an application exception condition.

    Make sure that the mode attribute is set to "remoteOnly" in the web.config file as shown in the following example.

    <customErrors mode="remoteOnly" />

    After installing an ASP.NET application, you can configure the setting to point to your custom error page as shown in the following example.

    <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="YourErrorPage.htm" />


    The above list is just some points found on MSDN on how you can make your site more secure by effectively preventing SQL injection attacks. You should always be reviewing your code to find these or other security vulnerabilities; remember all type of attacks start with some input, and your first line of defense should be input validation using both client-side and server-side validation.

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  • Creating AJAX Validator Control

    May 25, 2008 5 comments

    Imagine that you are creating a website registration form and you need to validate a Login ID or Email field. You want to make sure that the Login ID or Email entered does not already exist in the database. You could use the CustomValidator control to call a server-side function to check whether the field is unique in the database.

    <asp:TextBox id="txtEmail" Runat="server" /> <asp:CustomValidator id="valEmail" ControlToValidate="txtEmail" Text="Email already exists" OnServerValidate="valEmail_ServerValidate" Runat="server" />
    void valEmail_ServerValidate(Object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args) { if (EmailAlreadyExists(args.Value)) args.IsValid = false; else args.IsValid = true; }

    This of course causes a postback to the server where the server-side function is executed and the page is refreshed. This can be frustrating to the user to have to enter all the fields and submit and the page refreshes only to find out that the Email address is already in the system.

    To provide a better user experience we somehow need to call the server-side function from the client without causing a postback. Using AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) we can create a validator control to call the server-side validation function from the client. The advantage of using AJAX is that no postback to the server is apparent to the user.

    Our control needs to inherit from the BaseValidator class and also implement the ICallbackEventHandler interface. The BaseValidator class serves as the abstract base class for validation controls and provides the core implementation for all validation controls. The BaseValidator requires you to implement a single method:

    • EvaluateIsValid – returns true when the form field being validated is valid.

    The BaseValidator class also includes several other methods that you can override or otherwise use. The most useful of these methods is the following:

    • GetControlValidationValue – enables you to retrieve the value of the control being validated.

    When you create a custom validation control, you override the EvaluateIsValid() method and, within the EvaluateIsValid() method, you call GetControlValidationValue to get the value of the form field being validated.

    public class MyAjaxValidator : BaseValidator, ICallbackEventHandler { public event ServerValidateEventHandler ServerValidate; string _controlToValidateValue; protected override bool EvaluateIsValid() { string controlToValidateValue = this.GetControlValidationValue(this.ControlToValidate); return ExecuteValidationFunction(controlToValidateValue); } private bool ExecuteValidationFunction(String controlToValidateValue) { ServerValidateEventArgs args = new ServerValidateEventArgs(controlToValidateValue, this.IsValid); if (ServerValidate != null) ServerValidate(this, args); return args.IsValid; }

    The ICallbackEventHandler interface defines two methods that are called on the server when an AJAX request is made from the client:

    • RaiseCallbackEvent – called to handle the event, passing the event argument as a parameter
    • GetCallbackResult – returns the result of the callback
    public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { _controlToValidateValue = eventArgument; } public string GetCallbackResult() { return ExecuteValidationFunction(_controlToValidateValue).ToString(); }

    In the OnPreRender() method, a JavaScript include file and startup script are registered.

    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { String eventRef = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "", "", ""); String includeScript = Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/Scripts/MyAjaxValidator.js"); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("MyAjaxValidator", includeScript); String startupScript = String.Format(“document.getElementById('{0}').evaluationfunction = 'MyAjaxValidatorEvaluateIsValid';", this.ClientID); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "MyAjaxValidator", startupScript, true); base.OnPreRender(e); } protected override bool DetermineRenderUplevel() { return Context.Request.Browser.SupportsCallback; }

    The JavaScript include file contains the client-side functions that are called when the MyAjaxValidator validates a form field on the client. The startup script associates the client-side MyAjaxValidatorEvaluateIsValid() function with the MyAjaxValidator control. The client-side validation framework automatically calls this JavaScript function when performing validation.

    function MyAjaxValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) { var value = ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate); WebForm_DoCallback(, value, MyAjaxValidatorResult, val, MyAjaxValidatorError, true); return true; } function MyAjaxValidatorResult(returnValue, context) { if (returnValue == 'True') context.isvalid = true; else context.isvalid = false; ValidatorUpdateDisplay(context); } function MyAjaxValidatorError(message) { alert('Error: ' + message); }

    The MyAjaxValidatorEvaluateIsValid() JavaScript method initiates an AJAX call by calling the WebForm_DoCallback() method. This method calls the server-side validation function associated with the MyAjaxValidator control. When the AJAX call completes, the MyAjaxValidatorResult() method is called. This method updates the display of the validation control on the client.

    The following page illustrates how you can use the MyAjaxValidator control. This page handles the MyAjaxValidator control’s ServerValidate event to associate a custom validation function with the control. The validation function checks whether a email already exists in the database. If you enter a email that already exists, a validation error message is displayed. The message is displayed in the browser before you submit the form back to the server.

    <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:Label id="lbEmail" Text="Email:" AssociatedControlID="txtEmail" Runat="server" /> <asp:TextBox id="txtEmail" Runat="server" /> <custom:MyAjaxValidator id="valEmail" ControlToValidate="txtEmial" Text="Email already exists" OnServerValidate="valEmail_ServerValidate" Runat="server" /> <br /> <!--some other controls here --> <br /> <asp:Button id="btnSubmit" Text="Submit" Runat="server" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click" /> </form>

    And in code behind

    protected void valEmail_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args) { if (EmailAlreadyExists(args.Value)) args.IsValid = false; else args.IsValid = true; }

    It is important to realize that you can associate any server-side validation function with the MyAjaxValidator. You can perform a database lookup, call a web service, or perform a complex mathematical function. Whatever function you define on the server is automatically called on the client.

    Complete code for MyAjaxValidator:

    public class MyAjaxValidator : BaseValidator, ICallbackEventHandler { public event ServerValidateEventHandler ServerValidate; string _controlToValidateValue; protected override bool EvaluateIsValid() { string controlToValidateValue = this.GetControlValidationValue(this.ControlToValidate); return ExecuteValidationFunction(controlToValidateValue); } protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { String eventRef = Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "", "", ""); String includeScript = Page.ResolveClientUrl("~/Scripts/MyAjaxValidator.js"); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("MyAjaxValidator", includeScript); String startupScript = String.Format(“document.getElementById('{0}').evaluationfunction = 'MyAjaxValidatorEvaluateIsValid';", this.ClientID); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "MyAjaxValidator", startupScript, true); base.OnPreRender(e); } protected override bool DetermineRenderUplevel() { return Context.Request.Browser.SupportsCallback; } public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { _controlToValidateValue = eventArgument; } public string GetCallbackResult() { return ExecuteValidationFunction(_controlToValidateValue).ToString(); } private bool ExecuteValidationFunction(String controlToValidateValue) { ServerValidateEventArgs args = new ServerValidateEventArgs(controlToValidateValue, this.IsValid); if (ServerValidate != null) ServerValidate(this, args); return args.IsValid; } }
    Sams ASP.Net 2.0 by Stephen Walther

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    Using Validation Application Block in ASP.NET

    May 19, 2008 3 comments

    Any web page which requires input from the user simply cant allow just any data to be entered because the data might be too long, missing or incorrect. We need to validate the data entered by the users in a number of ways; for example, First Name and Last Name might be required fields and Date of Birth cannot be greater than the current date etc. We can very well use the client side validators provided by ASP.NET like RequiredFieldValidator, CompareValidator or RegularExpressionValidtor but is that really enough? What if JavaScript is disabled by the client? What if we need to validate our business objects? It is often important to validate data several times within the same application. For example, you may need to validate object instances that you:

    • Generate in separate tiers or components of your application
    • Retrieve from a cache, a repository, or a third-party data access layer
    • Receive from a Web Service as an object instance or a set of property values
    • Reconstruct from existing values, perhaps populating them by copying properties from a similar object or using values retrieved from a database

    Enter the Enterprise Library with its Validation Application Block.

    The Validation Application Block is designed to address the most common tasks developers face when they must validate input either from a user or another system. The Validation Application Block provides a comprehensive series of validation components that you can apply through configuration, or through attributes applied directly to classes, class members, plus UI controls for use in both ASP.NET and Windows Forms applications.

    One of the major advantages with Validation Application Block is that you can define rule sets within your application configuration file, with each rule set defining the types of validation to undertake and the individual parameters for that validation process. This means that administrators can quickly and easily change the validation rules and parameters without requiring any changes to the existing code – avoiding the risk of code errors, recompilation issues, and application downtime.

    The Validation Application Block is designed to do the following:

    • Encapsulate the logic used to perform the most common validation tasks into minimal application code.
    • Relieve developers of the requirement to write duplicate code and custom code for common validation tasks.
    • Allow validation rules to be changed after the application has been deployed, and ensure that changes happen simultaneously and consistently.

    There are four ways that you can associate validators with your types:

    • You can use configuration.
    • You can use attributes.
    • You can use a combination of configuration and attributes.
    • You can use self validation, which means that you include validation logic within the object you want to validate.

    The Validation Application Block contains a wide range of validators that you can use to check almost any type of property or value. The built-in validators include:

    • Range Validators –
      • Range Validator – checks that a value falls within a specified range. The range may be either closed, which means it has both a lower and an upper bound specified, or open, which means that it only has one bound specified. The Range Validator can be used with any type that implements the IComparable interface. This includes all numeric types and strings. While it is possible, in code, to use this validator with DateTime types, the Date Time Range Validator may be a better choice because it allows you to take advantage of attributes and configuration.
      • Date Time Range Validator – checks that a DateTime object falls within the specified range.
      • String Length Validator – checks that the length of the string is within the specified range. The range may include or exclude the endpoints by omitting the lower or upper bound.
    • String Validators
      • Contains Characters Validator – checks that an arbitrary string, such as a string entered by a user in a Web form, contains any or all of the characters that are specified by the CharacterSet property.
      • Regular Expression Validator – checks that the value matches the pattern specified by a regular expression.
      • Type Conversion Validator – checks that a string can be converted to a specific type. For example, the validator can check that "6.32" can be converted to a Double type or that "2007-02-09" can be converted to a DateTime type.
    • Set Validators
      • Domain Validator – checks that a value is one of the specified values in a specified set. For example, it can check that a name is "Tom," "Dick," "Harry," or "George" or that an integer is 2, 3, 5, 7, or 11. If the set only contains one value, you can use this validator to check for equality.
      • Enum Conversion Validator – checks that a string can be converted to a value in a specified enum type. For example, it can check that "Blue" can be converted to a value in the Color enumeration.
    • Comparison Validators
      • Property Comparison Validator – compares the value to be checked with the value of a property. For example, a n AuctionItem object, the current bid is greater than or equal to the minimum bid.
      • Relative Date Time Validator – checks that the DateTime value falls within a specified range using relative times and dates.
    • Object Validators
      • Not Null Validator – checks that the value is not null.
      • Object Validator – causes validation to occur on an object reference. All validators defined for the object’s type will be invoked, just as if the Validation.Validate method had been called on the object. If the object you want to validate is null, the validation is ignored. If the reference is to an instance of a type that is not compatible with the configured target’s type, the validation fails. This validator is helpful for validating tree-structured data.
      • Object Collection Validator – checks that the object is a collection of the specified type and then invokes validation on each element of the collection. If the object you want to validate is null, the validation is ignored. If the object you want to validate is not a collection, then the validation fails and the rule set is not applied. If there are elements in the collection that are of a different type than the one you specified for the object, then the validation for these elements fails but this does not affect validation for the other elements.

    The Validation Application Block also provides the following composite validators which allow you to combine other validators by nesting them within this type of validator to create complex validation rules.

    • And Composite Validator – requires that all the validators that make up the composite validator be true. For example, you can use the And Composite Validator to require that the Not Null Validator AND the Date Time Range Validator be True. Because the Validation Application Block’s default behavior is to AND validators, you only need this validator to implement complex logic.
    • Or Composite Validator – requires that at least one of the validators that make up the composite validator be True. For example, you can use the Or Composite Validator to require that the Not Null Validator OR the Date Time Range Validator be True.

    Each validator also has a Negated property, which reverses the operation of the validator so that it returns False if the value is valid, and True if not. This is useful when you combine validators using the And Composite Validator and the Or Composite Validator.

    Assume that our customer entity is as follows and we want to validate the fields within this object for some business rules. For example, Postal Code format nnnnn[-nnnn] etc.

    public class Customer { public string Name { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } public string City { get; set; } public string PostalCode { get; set; } public int EmployeeCount { get; set; } public DateTime LastReportDate{ get; set; } }

    The first step when using the Validation Application Block is to create rule set(s) for our type / object. To create a rule set for an object, you must first create and compile that assembly. Once you have a target object class, open the configuration file for your application in the Configuration Editor integrated within Visual Studio by right-clicking on the Web.config file in the Solution Explorer window and select Edit Enterprise Library Configuration.

    In the configuration editor, right click on the application node and select New, then click Validation Application Block to add the Validation Application Block to your application. Then right-click on the new Validation Application Block node, select New, and click Type. In the Type Selector dialog, click the Load an assembly button and navigate to the folder containing your target object. Click Open to load this assembly. Find your target assembly in the list and select the target class to which you want to attach a rule set.

    Click OK, and the class appears in the configuration under the Validation Application Block node. Now you are ready to create the rule set.

    Right-click on the new target object node in the configuration editor, select New, and click Rule Set. Change the name of the rule set as required – you will use the name in your code so you should specify a name that will help you to read and debug your code, especially if you define more than one rule set.

    The next stage is to select the members of the target object that you want to validate. Right-click on the new rule set node, select New, and click Choose Members to display a dialog containing all the public members of the target object. Select the required members and click OK to close the dialog and add these members to the rule set.

    You now have a hierarchy that contains the list of members to which you will add validators. For each target object member, right-click on it, select New, and click the type of validator you want to add. As you add each one, use the Properties window in Visual Studio to set the properties you require for each validator.

    For example, the CompanyAddress property has a String Length Validator attached with the following properties set:

    <validation> <type assemblyName="TestApp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" name="TestApp.Customer"> <ruleset name="ExampleRuleSet"> <properties> <property name="Name" > <validator lowerBound="5" lowerBoundType="Inclusive" upperBound="100" upperBoundType="Inclusive" negated="false" messageTemplate="Customer address must be between 5 and 100 characters" messageTemplateResourceName="" messageTemplateResourceType="" tag="CustomerAddressValidator" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators.StringLengthValidator, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" name="String Length Validator"/> </property> <property name="Address"> <validator lowerBound="5" lowerBoundType="Inclusive" upperBound="100" upperBoundType="Inclusive" negated="false" messageTemplate="Customer address must be between 5 and 100 characters" messageTemplateResourceName="" messageTemplateResourceType="" tag="CustomerAddressValidator" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators.StringLengthValidator, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" name="String Length Validator"/> </property> <property name="City"> <validator lowerBound="2" lowerBoundType="Inclusive" upperBound="30" upperBoundType="Inclusive" negated="false" messageTemplate="City name must be between 2 and 30 characters" messageTemplateResourceName="" messageTemplateResourceType="" tag="CustomerCityValidator" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators.StringLengthValidator, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" name="String Length Validator"/> </property> <property name="PostalCode"> <validator pattern="\d{5}(-\d{4})?" options="None" patternResourceName="" patternResourceType="" messageTemplate="Postal code must be in the form nnnnn[-nnnn]" messageTemplateResourceName="" messageTemplateResourceType="" tag="CustomerPostalCodeValidator" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators.RegexValidator, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" name="Regex Validator"/> </property> <property name="EmployeeCount"> <validator lowerBound="1" lowerBoundType="Inclusive" upperBound="100" upperBoundType="Inclusive" negated="false" messageTemplate="Employee count must be between 1 and 100" messageTemplateResourceName="" messageTemplateResourceType="" tag="EmployeeCountValidator" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators.RangeValidator, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" name="Range Validator"/> </property> <property name="LastReportDate"> <validator lowerBound="2007-01-01" lowerBoundType="Inclusive" upperBound="2008-03-28" upperBoundType="Inclusive" negated="false" messageTemplate="Report Date must be between 1st Jan and 31st Dec 2007" messageTemplateResourceName="" messageTemplateResourceType="" tag="LastReportDateValidator" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators.DateTimeRangeValidator, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" name="Date Range Validator"/> </property> </properties> </ruleset> </type> </validation>

    ASP.NET integration uses a class named PropertyProxyValidator, which implements a control that you can use within an ASP.NET Web page to perform UI validation. This control inherits from the ASP.NET validation control base class named BaseValidator, and is therefore effectively an ASP.NET validation control.

    The BaseValidator class exposes properties such as ControlToValidate, Display (None, Static, Dynamic), EnableClientScript, Enabled, IsValid, SetFocusOnError, and ValidationGroup. The PropertyProxyValidator class also exposes the Validate method, which you can use to initiate validation of specific validators if required. However, all the instances of the PropertyProxyValidator class you place in a page integrate with the ASP.NET validation system, and so you can cause validation by calling the Validate method of the Page class, and check the result using the IsValid property of the Page class – this does not occur automatically.

    By integrating the Validation Application Block with your applications, you can reuse your validation rules across several levels of your system architecture. Integration allows you reuse the validators that are associated with your application classes when you perform validation at the user-interface level for ASP.NET . The integration provided by the Validation Application Block at the user-interface level does the following:

    • It provides a way to associate properties of validated application objects with user-interface controls.
    • It provides a way to convert values from an input data type to an application-specific data type. For example, you can convert a string input to a System.DateTime value.
    • It helps avoid coding errors in type names and property names. For example, it throws exceptions when type names or property names cannot be found.
    • It does not require instances of application objects to be created in order for validators to be invoked at the user-interface level. In other words, you do not need to instantiate a Customer object just to check whether an input string entered by the user meets the validation requirements of the Customer.Name property.

    To use the PropertyProxyValidator class, you simply add instances to the ASP.NET page, either by declaring them within the .aspx file or by generating instances dynamically at runtime and adding them to the Controls collection of the Page object or another container control. The process is identical to adding ASP.NET built-in validation controls such as the RequiredFieldValidator or any other ASP.NET control) to a page.

    The only real differences when working with the Validation Application Block compared to the ASP.NET validation controls are:

    • You must include an @Register directive in the ASP.NET page to register the integration assembly that contains the PropertyProxyValidator control:
      <%@ Register Assembly="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Integration.AspNet" Namespace="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Integration.AspNet" TagPrefix="EntLibValidators" %>
    • You use only one type of validation control, the PropertyProxyValidator control, for all validation operations. The actual operation and parameters appear in the configuration file or in attributes applied to the target object class and its members. You should have a target object class defined that supports validation through configuration or attributes.
    • You specify the name of the rule set, the type name of the target object, and the target object member (method or property name) in the PropertyProxyValidator control declaration. For example:
    <EntLibValidators:PropertyProxyValidator ID="CustomerNameValidator" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtName" PropertyName="Name" RulesetName="ExampleRuleSet" SourceTypeName="TestApp.Customer" EnableViewState="false"/>

    For each validated UI input control, specify that input control’s ID property as the ControlToValidate property of the PropertyProxyValidator control. Also set the RulesetName, SourceTypeName, and PropertyName properties to the appropriate values based on your application configuration.

    Our test application displays textboxes for the six properties of the target object. If you click the Submit button, after entering values in the text boxes, the code creates an instance of the target class with valid values, performs validation on the object, and displays the property values and the validation result in the page.

    If you now edit the values in the text boxes so that they are outside the range of valid values, and click the Submit button again, the page displays a list of errors it encounters when validating the new object instance.

    For each invalid property value, the page displays the contents of the MessageTemplate for the validator, the name of the target property, the value of the Tag property of the validator, and the type name of the target object.

    To validate the UI control values, add code to the handler for the button or other control that submits the page. A separate routine named CreateLocalCompanyObject performs the task of applying the validated UI values to a new instance of the target object, and displaying its properties in the page:

    // force validators to check control values Page.Validate(); if (Page.IsValid) { // create sample object instance and set properties CreateLocalCustomerObject(); } else { lblResult.Text = "Validation errors encountered by ASP.NET Integration Validators<p />"; }
    private void CreateLocalCustomerObject() { // create sample object instance and set properties TestApp.Customer objCustomer = new TestApp.Customer(); objCustomer.Name = txtName.Text; objCustomer.Address = txtAddress.Text; objCustomer.City = txtCity.Text; objCustomer.PostalCode = txtPostalCode.Text; objCustomer.EmployeeCount = Int32.Parse(txtEmployees.Text); objCustomer.LastReportDate = DateTime.Parse(txtReportDate.Text); // display and validate property values DisplayAndValidateSampleObject(objCustomer); }

    Unlike the ASP.NET UI validation controls, which react to an event in the ASP.NET page cycle to perform validation, the Validation Application Block validators must be explicitly executed by calling the static Validate method of the block. The easiest way to do this is to use the Validation façade. The façade allows you to you to create a Validator instance and validate an object with a single line of code. This is shown in the following code example.

    Customer cust = new Customer(); ValidationResults results = Validation.Validate<Customer>(cust, "rulesetname");

    If you do not want to use the façade, you can use the following code, which is the equivalent.

    Customer cust = new Customer(); Validator<Customer> validator = ValidationFactory.CreateValidator<Customer>("rulesetname"); ValidationResults results = validator.Validate(cust);

    Use the CreateValidator method on the ValidationFactory class to first get a reference to the Validator instance, and then use the Validate method to validate the object.

    The Validate method of the Validation façade accepts as parameters the name of the object to validate, and optionally the names of the validation rule sets to apply. For example, if you have only a single rule set named RuleSetA defined in the configuration of the application, you can apply this rule set to an object named customer using the following code.

    ValidationResults results = Validation.Validate(cust, "RuleSetA");

    If you have two rule sets named RuleSetA and RuleSetB defined in the configuration of the application, you can apply the rules from both using the following code.

    ValidationResults results = Validation.Validate(cust, "RuleSetA", "RuleSetB");

    The Validate method returns an instance of the ValidationResults class, which is a collection containing a ValidationResult instance for each validation failure. The ValidationResult class exposes properties that allow you to obtain the value of the Key (the member name if available), the Message describing the validation error, the value of the validator Tag property, the type name of the Target object, and the name of the Validator. There is also the NestedValidationResults property, which exposes a ValidationResults collection containing the validation errors for any nested validators, when using a composite validator.

    Our DisplayAndValidateSampleObject() function calls the Validate method, and then checks if there were any validation errors by examining the IsValid property of the returned ValidationResults collection. If there are errors, the code iterates through the collection adding the values of the Key, Tag, and Target properties of each ValidationResults instance to the StringBuilder. If there are no errors, it adds a suitable message to the StringBuilder instead. Finally, the code displays the contents of the StringBuilder in a Label control on the page:

    ... // validate the property values using the configured rule set ValidationResults results; results = Validation.Validate(targetObject, "ExampleRuleSet"); // get validation results if (!results.IsValid) { builder.Append("<b>Validation Errors:</b>:<br />"); foreach (ValidationResult result in results) { builder.Append(String.Format("- <b>{0}</b><br />", result.Message)); builder.Append(String.Format("&nbsp; (Key: {0}, ", result.Key.ToString())); builder.Append(String.Format("Tag: {0}, ", result.Tag)); builder.Append(String.Format("Target: {0})<br />", result.Target.ToString())); } } else { builder.Append("All object property values are valid."); } // display results in Label control lblResult.Text = builder.ToString(); ...

    It is always a good idea to repeat on the server any UI validation you carry out before using posted values in your application. This protects against spoofing attacks; and against issues that may arise is client browsers do not fully support or correctly process client-side script. However, unlike the ASP.NET validation controls, the PropertyProxyValidator controls only perform validation server-side, and not through client-side script.

    Using the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block in ASP.NET applications allows concentrating on the use of rule sets that allow validation across the UI and object instances within the application tiers.

    While ASP.NET provides a fully-featured set of UI validation controls, these do not always fulfill the requirements of enterprise-level applications. The Validation Application Block supports a wider range of validators, has features to allow composition and negation of validators, and supports validation using configuration rules as well as attributes applied directly to classes and class members.

    One should combine the Validation Application Block validators with the ASP.NET built-in validators as required. The PropertyProxyValidator control that supports ASP.NET integration is itself a descendant of the ASP.NET validator base class, and so behaves and can be handled in the same way as the ASP.NET validation controls.


    Enterprise Library 4.0 – Just Released

    May 18, 2008 1 comment

    Congratulations to the Enterprise Library Team for their release of Enterprise Library 4.0. A few enhancements and bug fixes in this release, but most importantly it comes with Unity IoC Integration. As you may or may not know, Unity is Microsoft Patterns & Practices lightweight, extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection. The patterns & practices Enterprise Library is a collection of reusable application blocks designed to assist software developers with common enterprise development challenges. This following application blocks are included: Caching Application Block, Cryptography Application Block, Data Access Application Block, Exception Handling Application Block, Logging Application Block, Policy Injection Application Block, Security Application Block, Validation Application Block, and Unity Application Block.

    Download Enterprise Library 4.0 here.

    This release of Enterprise Library includes the following:

    • Integration with the Unity Application Block
    • Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 2.0 support and improved instrumentation
    • Performance improvements (particularly, in the Logging Application Block)
    • Pluggable Cache Managers
    • Visual Studio 2008 support
    • Bug fixes

    Note: existing public APIs (v3.1) are still supported.

    Check out CodePlex for Unity and PnPGuidance as well.

    The Application Block Software Factory and the Strong Naming Guidance Package are not included in this release but are available as a separate download. Thus, there is no longer a dependency on Guidance Automation Extensions (GAX).

    If you already know and love the Enterprise Library:

    • Check out the change log for this release;
    • Upgrade to V4.0—no code change is required—simply update the references to the corresponding application block assemblies and to the common assemblies;
    • Download the updated QuickStarts and run through the Unity-integrated examples to get the flavor of new dependency injection style of using the Enterprise Library